Representation for Home Buying and Selling The process of buying and selling residential and commercial real estate can be...

Criminal Defense
Every person accused of a crime has the right to an attorney. A criminal defense attorney protects the interests...

Creditors’ Rights
Collection is not a dirty word. It is a necessary and helpful part of any business. What do you...

DUI / DWI – Drunk Driving
Driving Under the Influence Driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol is extremely dangerous. Alcohol and drugs...

Estate Planning & Probate
Careful estate planning can save your loved ones time, money, and stress in carrying out your final wishes and...

When opposing sides have a legal dispute, it is often resolved through litigation. The issue may be solved through...

Assault & Battery
Assault is defined as intentionally putting another person in reasonable apprehension of bodily harm. Battery is defined as intentionally...

Blood or Breath Alcohol DUI Tests
Law enforcement officers may use a breath or blood test to determine your blood alcohol content (BAC). They may...

If you take a motor vehicle from another person using force or the threat of force, that is considered...

Criminal Appeals
If you have found guilty of a crime, there may be an opportunity for a criminal appeal. Not every...

DUI & Vehicular Manslaughter
DUIs that result in death have major consequences. It is a class 2 felony with penalties of 3-14 years...

DUI Accidents
Any DUI charge is a serious offense. If you are involved in an accident while driving under the influence,...

DUI Involving Injury
A DUI that results in an injury has more severe penalties since the cost of the DUI is higher....

DUI Penalties
DUI penalties vary depending on the circumstances of the offense, whether it was a first or subsequent offense, whether...

Deceptive Practice
Writing bad checks is considered deceptive practice in Illinois. This occurs when someone writes a check using a real...

Delivery of a Controlled Substance
It is illegal to sell and deliver illegal drugs in Illinois. Intent to deliver charges occur when you have...

Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a crime in Illinois. In domestic violence, the offender is someone related by blood, or lives...

Do’s & Don’ts When Pulled Over
When you get pulled over you have certain rights. It is important to always treat the law enforcement officer...

Driver’s License Reinstatements
Driver’s License Reinstatement Process Some criminal charges, like driving under the influence, will result in the revocation of your...

Drug Manufacturing
Manufacturing illegal drugs is illegal in Illinois. If you possess any of the ingredients or tools to manufacture an...

Drug Possession
The possession of certain schedule I drugs are illegal in Illinois. These drugs include: cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, marijuana, and...

Drug Sales
Certain drugs are illegal in Illinois. Other drugs may only be distributed by licensed dispensaries with a prescription from...

Drug Trafficking
You can be charged with drug trafficking in Illinois if you knowingly bring a controlled substance into the state...

Drug Transportation
Transporting illegal drugs is illegal in Illinois. Drugs regulated by the Controlled Substances Act can only be sold, transported,...

Drugs & DUI
Having any type of illegal drug in your system will result in a DUI if you are caught driving....

Drugs Crimes
Attorneys for Drug and Narcotic Cases Are you facing criminal drug/narcotics charges? Finding a defense attorney for drug and...

Ecstasy Charges
Ecstasy is an illegal drug in Illinois. It is a schedule 1 drug. This means possession, selling or manufacturing...

Expungements & Record Sealing
Anytime you are arrested, it will be added to your criminal record. If you are arrested, but the charges...

Felony Crimes
Felonies are more serious crimes and have longer sentences and higher fines. The minimum prison sentence for a felony...

Felony DUI
The first two DUI convictions are typically class A misdemeanors. Subsequent offenses are felonies. A first time offense can...

Field Sobriety Test
If the police officer suspects that you have been driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, he/she...

Heroin Charges
Heroin use is illegal in Illinois. Possessing, selling or manufacturing heroin is a felony charge. The penalty is determined...

Identity Theft
This occurs when a person uses another person’s identifying characteristics to commit other crimes such as using a person’s...

Internet & Computer Crime
Many times internet crime can overlap with other offenses, because a computer was used in a crime. Illinois has...

Juvenile Crimes
Minors under the age of 17 that commit crimes are charged separately than adults in the juvenile justice system....

License Suspension / Revocation
Some offenses, including DUI can result in the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license. When the suspension/revocation period...

Marijuana Charges
Possessing, selling, and growing marijuana is illegal in Illinois. Though marijuana use is permitted for medicinal purposes, proper permits...

Marijuana Cultivation
A license is required to cultivate marijuana legally in illinois for medicinal purposes. Anyone cultivating marijuana without a license...

Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana is legal in illinois; however, it must be used appropriately. In order to use medical marijuana, a...

Methamphetamine Charges
Methamphetamine use is especially destructive, and as a result, Illinois lawmakers have made possession of methamphetamine a felony charge....

Misdemeanor Offenses
Misdemeanors are less serious offenses. The maximum jail sentence for a misdemeanor is one year. While the penalties are...

Murder / Manslaughter
Murder / Manslaughter.Killing another person is murder if it is done intentionally and manslaughter if it is done unintentionally....

Out of State DUI
The Interstate Driver’s License Compact makes it so that if you get a DUI in another state, it will...

Plea Bargain vs. Trial
Sometimes when you are charged with the crime, the prosecution may offer a plea bargain instead of attempting to...

Possession of Marijuana
Marijuana is still illegal in Illinois unless you have the appropriate documentation to show that it is for medical...

Possession of a Controlled Substance
Since some drugs have an increased likelihood of dependency and abuse, the government regulates their sale and use. Some...

Possession of a Stolen Motor Vehicle
A person can be charged with possession of a stolen vehicle if he/she knowingly sells, receives, conceals, disposes of,...

Possession with Intent
If you are in possession of a large amount of drugs, then it is likely that you will be...

Prescription Fraud
It is illegal to lie to obtain a prescription for a controlled substance, it is illegal to use someone...

Probation Violations
Probation often has certain requirements that must be followed. Violations of probation requirements can result in additional penalties and...

According to Illinois law, performing, offering or agreeing to perform a sexual act is prostitution. This is a class...

Retail Theft / Shoplifting
Retail theft includes taking an item from a store without paying for it, changing the price tag on an...

Robbery & Armed Robbery
Robbery occurs when a person knowingly takes property from another person with force or the threat of force. This...

Search & Seizure Laws
The law protects against unlawful search and seizure. Law enforcement agencies require a warrant signed by a judge before...

The sentences for criminal offenses are often determined on a case by case basis depending on the circumstances of...

Sex Crimes
Criminal sexual assault, aggravated criminal sexual assault, predatory criminal sexual assault, criminal sexual abuse, and aggravated criminal sexual abuse...

Solicitation occurs when someone encourages or requests that someone commit an offense. The penalty depends on the crime being...

Theft Crimes
There are a variety of theft and property crimes that involve taking another person’s property. The severity of the...

Traffic Violations
Most traffic violations are easily resolved and do not require an appearance in court. However, if your situation may...

Under 21 DUI
Driving with any amount of alcohol in your system is illegal for people under the age of 21. Any...

Unlawful Police Stop
Police cannot just stop anyone they want. They must have a valid purpose for making a stop. If you...

Unlawful Use of a Credit Card
It is a crime to use another person’s credit or debit card, sell another person’s credit/debit card, or have...

Weapons Charges
Illinois law regulates the sale and use of weapons. Violations of weapon laws can carry severe penalties. It is...